The Milkshake

Geometric Architectural Forms for a Modern Duplex

The façade of this two-unit condominium design features a striking cup-shaped bay enclosing a two-story volume. The building consists of three stories of living space above a two-car garage. The concept of the building was inspired by Le Corbusier's Unite d'Habitation. The units interlock, providing each with one and one-half stories of living space. The lower unit features the two-story glass-enclosed bay and a mezzanine primary suite, with two more bedrooms at the rear of the ground floor. Two small decks provide outlooks from the street frontage. The upper unit features a primary bedroom under the curving roof form and a large front deck on top of the two-story bay. An even larger rear deck provides private outdoor space. The shape of the front bay, with the stainless steel fireplace flue serving as a "straw", inspired the project's nickname.


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